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Liturgical Ministries

"For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am with them"

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The Mass in Action

We are very blessed at Saint Anne parish to have so many individuals who come together to be a part of the following groups that make the Mass run so beautifully each and every week:


Welcoming Ministry

Our Ushers extend a warm "All Are Welcome" greeting to those who join us each Sunday. These ministers assist their fellow parishioners, gather the collection, distribute bulletins, and help keep our church safe and tidy. 



Our lectors strive read the appointed Scripture passages with reverence and care. After completing liturgical training, lectors carefully prepare each liturgy's readings and seek to become true ministers of the Word in all they do and say. 


Eucharistic Ministers

Assist the priest in the distribution of Communion at Mass and cleanse the vessels afterwards. A real labor of love, this ministry requires a period of formation, to prepare us to share our Lord with our sisters and brothers.


Baptism/ Funeral Servers

Baptism ministers help the priest or deacon at Sunday afternoon baptisms. By their kindness and care, they extend to our young families a warm and joyful Saint Anne's welcome! Funeral servers assist the priest at funeral Masses. Their kindness and care contribute to the reverence and the hopefulness of the funeral liturgy, as we welcome our grieving brothers and sisters home to Saint Anne's. You serve when you can on weekdays. 


We invite you to participate! If you would like to serve in one of the above ministries, please contact the rectory at 201-791-1616. All are very welcome and much appreciated!

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