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Baptismal Catechesis

The ministers of the Baptism Team seek to prepare and educate families to welcome their children into the Catholic faith community through the sacrament of Baptism. We assist people in understanding the depth of their faith and how they practice those beliefs by choosing to follow Jesus in a lifelong faith journey. 


The Community celebrates the sacrament on Sundays at 1:30 pm (except on occasions when

there is a 5th Sunday). 

A brief online course and an in-person preparation class for parents is required. In person classes are offered six times during the year on selected Wednesday at 7:30 pm.  

To schedule a Baptism, please call Laurie Hessman at 201-791-1616.  

When selecting Godparents, there should be one 

Godmother and one Godfather.  At least one of the two Godparents must be a Confirmed

Catholic (have received the sacrament of Confirmation) and must obtain a

Sponsor Certificate from their own parish.

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