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Welcome to 
Saint Anne!







8:45 A.M.

5:15 P.M. (Vigil)


7:30 A.M.

9:30 A.M.

11:30 A.M.

6:00 P.M.


7:30 A.M.

8:45 A.M.


Sunday Mass livestream rotation for January:

1/4 - 5:15pm Vigil Mass

1/12 - 9:30am Mass

1/19 - 11:30am Mass

1/25 - 5:15pm Vigil Mass

We invite you to visit and learn more! If you would like to become a parishioner, please fill out our

 Parish Registration and return it to the Rectory. 


If you need a priest in the event of an emergency, please call 201-791-1616

Support Our Church

Please consider supporting Saint Anne.


You are making a great difference and we are truly grateful for your generosity of time, talent, and treasure!

​Upcoming Events

  • Beefsteak Dinner
    Beefsteak Dinner
    Sat, Jan 25
    Fair Lawn
    All-You-Can-Eat beefsteak.
  • Pastoral Letter from Cardinal Tobin
    Pastoral Letter from Cardinal Tobin
    We Are His Witnesses. We are called to be witnesses of Christ to the world.
  • Why Catholic - Sacraments Part II
    Why Catholic - Sacraments Part II
    Sun, Jan 19
    St Anne's Ground
    Sacraments are a way to strengthen the Church and bring people together as the body of Christ.
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